Other Stuff
- What's JONK DOT COM mean anyway?
The site's name is actually pronounced "Jon Q dot com"
- Didn't you misspell "JONK" above? Shouldn't that "K" be a "Q"?
No, the point was that some people mispronounce "Jon Q." as "JONK"
- So what the heck does JON Q mean?
It's a play on the phrase "John Q. Public", but spelled like my name.
- Why is a mouse when it spins?
Because the higher the fewer.
- I don't get the last one... what does it mean?
It means you don't have an abstract sense of humor.
- Are you really Jamaican?
Yah mon.
- Seriously, are you really Jamaican? You don't look Jamaican!
Listen mon! De white bwoy him a yahdie!
Jus' a cause a man doan 'ave dreadlocks doan mean 'im caan be from the Caribbean.
- I still don't believe you. Say something in Jamaican
Hooray Beer!